* 1815 Eton Collage making raw rules rugby football.
* 1848 Born Cambridge regulatory rules, as favored by many colleges in the UK. So eventually became rules football
* Eleven 1863 London football club held a meeting at the Freemason's Travern to formulate basic rules football game. It was formed Football Association (FA).
* 1868 FA rules ban raises to touch the ball with his hand. With these rules then a separate football with rugby.
* 1888 William McGreror (Aston Villa director) managed to get 12 clubs agreed to corral the party rules - away. English League officially rolling on 8 September 1888
* 1904 Establishment of Federation International Football Association (FIFA)
* 1930 First implementation of the World Cup in Uruguay on July 13 to 30, and the result was the host to be champion after defeating Argentina 4-2.
* 1956 Champions Cup was first held in France.
So a bit about the history of football rules the world.